The Rest Of My Life

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Yoga in the Mountains

Not only do I love yoga, but I love this girl as well. So much so, that I visited her in Seattle for her birthday. And a weekend it was!
Aaleen Cox, resides in Seattle, and never turns down.
This day in particular we went hiking at Rattlesnake Mountain Trail, and along the way we did some yoga here and there casually on the way up. This was unlike any type of hike I have done in the past. This is definitely a way to try something new in your practice, and that I did. This also tests your balance, strength and brings you a new appreciation to the wilderness. I love facing new challenges, and especially when I have the chance to face them with the people I love most.

Dancer's Pose; Natarajasana (Naht-tahra-jah-sauna)
Crow Pose; Bakasana (Bah-kah-sahna)
Tree Pose; Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-anna)
This is just called having fun and embracing life! 
Wheel Pose; Urdhva Dhanurasana (OORD-vah don-your-AHS-anna)
Urdhva- upward
Dhanu- bow
 Then on the way down after all of this success, this happened... It was champ Friday though!

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