The Rest Of My Life

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Postivity | Quotes

This is the....


I have been in New York the past two weeks and my trip comes to an end. Nothing I love more is a positive quote. And with all of the job searching I have been doing here, it's definitely something I have needed after every interview good or bad... And I'm sure the rest of manhattan in search for a job feels the same way as well.

For me, my practice is not only on the mat but off as well. Something I make a huge focus for both on and off is positivity. Finding ways to surround myself with positive people, having a positive practice, and positive energy for myself.

I typically dedicate my practice to positivity, in my words, to myself, and to others. As they say, "positive life is a happy life". 

I believe that waking up in the morning and seeing a quote like below, "Take time to do what makes your soul happy" brings me back to reality. You know what, yoga makes my soul happy, so I'm going to do that. Realizing who is important in your life and what makes you happy. Words so simple, can go such a long way.

I hope these few quotes bring a smile to your face and make you do something that makes you EXTRA HAPPY!


And if you want plenty more positive quotes, go to Positive Life Tips. This really could be one of the best sites I have come across in a while.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hawaii | Headstands

Okay, so maybe it's been a while since I have made a post. I swear I've been busy, I'll prove it over the next few weeks....

Starting with my recent trip to Honolulu, Hawaii with my friends and family. Every once in a while you need a vacation from life, everyone, and everything thing else in it.  Hawaii is the perfect place to set free, and only have problems about which shrimp truck you will eat at, what beach you'll go to that day, and whether or not to take the Pina Colada or the Mai Tai.

It's also one of the best places to do yoga. Relaxing beaches with nothing but the sounds of waves and the joy of people. I experienced a new kind of yoga while I was there. It was my first time doing a forearm head stand in the sand for one; which was not as easy as it looks. Turns out the little pieces of sand digging into your forehead when you have a major sunburn does not feel so great.

Forearm headstand with knees in first; it's all in the core.

My other "first time" experience was paddle board yoga. This is something I recommend to everyone; especially if you have the chance to do it in clear blue waters. Just as my practice has become stronger and stronger over the past few years, you throw a paddle board and yoga together and it's like your first day of yoga class all over again.

 I loved the new kind of challenge it brought to my practice. With yoga there are always new challenges you come across. When you get one pose down after working towards it for weeks, months, or maybe a year, you start to work towards a new one. There is no greater feeling then accomplishing a new inversion. I would say one of my most rewarding inversions was forearm headstand. It took me close to 6 months to achieve this, and what we all must remember is, every ones body is different. So it may not take someone as short or as long to accomplish this. And after you get the basic forearm headstand, you work towards the other variations of head stand. Which I am currently working on tripod headstand from prasarita podattanasana; I recommend Jennifer Pastiloff's how to video.

The best part about practicing inversions on the paddle board was that if you fell in, it did not really matter because you had the water to catch your fall. MUCH better then the ground in my opinion. It's summer, so now is the perfect time to try out something new that involves water and lots of laughter! And always remember with inversions, patience is key.

 Don't be afraid to let go, be free and have fun every once in a while.

*I'm always here for questions about yoga, how to strengthen your practice and guide you to where you want to be. So please reach out to me if so!